
 Program Philosophy

School Age Child care

We believe that good childcare depends upon consistent care giving in a home-like atmosphere. Children grow and learn best in a safe environment that provides opportunities to explore create and communicate with other children and adults. These groups function independently but cooperatively, following routines appropriate to individual needs. The program is designed to be inclusive of all children, including those with identified disabilities and special learning and developmental needs.

The Center’s program is designed to include both planned and spontaneous activities in response to children’s interests. Experiences with music, movement, art, language and building are incorporated into daily plans. Regularly scheduled snacks and meals, rest time, indoor and outdoor play and routines in physical care-giving promotes the child’s health, comfort and ability to care for him/her. There is maximum flexibility for the children as a group and as individuals. Children are encouraged to develop a positive self-image, to learn inner controls and to cooperate with peers and caregivers. Clearly defined limits help them recognize and accept their emotions and express their feelings as they grow and feel secure in the world around them.

We are a ministry of the International Community Church of God. Our mission is to provide a safe, fun, enriching and developmentally appropriate environment for children in our community.  ICC Child Care Development Center is  fully licensed under the Maryland State Department of Education’s Office of Childcare. Our talented, nurturing childcare professionals are committed to offering the highest quality care for children. We believe that every child is important and deserves the best educational experience possible. 

Goal Statement

We believe that our responsibility is to provide an environment allowing freedom within clearly defined limits.  Our goal is to teach children responsible behavior and self-control as they respond to the situations in their lives.  We have a Bible based common sense approach:

  • Christian love is the basis of our discipline.
  • Discipline is an opportunity for teaching, not a punishment.
  • Discipline must be both firm and loving.
  • Respect must be earned for discipline to be effective

“Train up a child in the way he should go: even when he is old he will not depart from it.” 

– Proverbs 22:6

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